Mikhail Konovalov: The Cloud Runner

"His artworks are so diverse that even at the exhibition one might think that at least two artists are participating: one is a philosopher who creates his works in the symbolism style, and the other is a portrait painter who depicts reality through expressionism"
The exhibition is dedicated to the artist’s 60th anniversary.

Mikhail is famous in Nesvizh as an extraordinary artist and a wise professor. His artworks are so diverse that even at the exhibition one might think that at least two artists are participating: one is a philosopher who creates his works in the symbolism style, and the other is a portrait painter who depicts reality through expressionism. At the same time, he works in various painting techniques, including watercolor painting, monotype print, and graphics.

As a man with a deep and rich inner world, Mikhail creates canvases that are small in size but full of deep and powerful meanings. In a restrained color palette of his paintings, with a minimal set of expressive means, Mikhail Konovalov speaks of the global problems of civilization, urbanization engulfing megacities, nature destruction caused by human activities.

Mikhail Konovalov is an observant artist, able to discern in his interlocutor, be it an old friend or a random stranger, some unique features that distinguish him from the crowd. Thanks to this skill, he created a portrait gallery of original characters, painted in such a bright, dynamic manner, with such powerful energy that takes your breath away and creates a feeling of sincere sympathy for strangers.
Mikhail Konovalov began his life’s journey in 1964 in the city of Orsha, and at the art school, he mastered the basics of fine art. After school, Mikhail enrolled in the Faculty of Art and Graphics at Vitebsk State University.

Recalling his student days, the artist speaks with gratitude about his professors, one of whom was Leonid Antimonov (his portrait is present in the exhibition), an excellent graphic artist, who helped Mikhail become an artist.

After graduation, Mikhail came to Nesvizh, where he now lives and teaches drawing, composition, and painting at the Yakub Kolas State College. Despite a busy schedule in teaching, the artist always has time for creativity, and given the immense unspent potential and excellent creative form, we can confidently expect new artworks.

The paintings of Mikhail Konovalov are periodically shown at exhibitions and art festivals abroad - his exhibitions were held in France, Switzerland, and in different cities of Belarus (Lida, Minsk, Vitebsk).
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